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Voices of Nature

A volume of 13 short stories depicting nonhuman perspectives: rocks, winds, crickets, birds, fire, and water are speaking to us. 


What if nature had a voice, a language of its own that goes unheard due to our human blindspot? This volume gathers thirteen stories that invite us to explore the intricate dance of life unfolding all around us, hidden within our daily interactions. In each story, we'll encounter the science and spirit of the natural world, brought to life through rich descriptions that blur the lines between the human and the nonhuman. As you turn the pages, you'll find yourself drawn into a realm where rocks, winds, birds, crickets, fire, and water each carry their unique narratives, interwoven with the human experience. "Voices of Nature" extends an invitation to perceive the world anew, to attune our senses to the tales whispered by nature. It's an opportunity to contemplate existence from the standpoint of a thing, transcending mere humanity. What is it like to be a thing? Prepare to embark on a transformative journey that highlights the profound connections that exist between all living things.

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